Sunday, September 30, 2012

Guernica 3D

Watch the YouTube video above. It was something that was shown to me a few years ago in an Art History class and it is truly mesmerizing. I think in regards to unpacking a painting it does a phenomenal job, but in a way that doesn't subscribe the viewer to any predetermined meaning. 
The ability to take the painting and pull it apart and then focus in on each aspect individually allows the viewer to see all the different intricacies that Picasso put into the painting. For me it also generates a very strong emotion. Picasso was in pain at the events happening around him and this painting does a tremendous job capturing that. 
Sometimes a work of art is overwhelming, especially poetry, and I think Stevens' notion of a poem being a poem and not trying to put too much reason behind it is a very important thing to do. Each and every viewer will come away with their own interpretation and meaning. That is where the beauty of art lies, that it is open ended to the audience. Once the painting or poem is created the author has to let it go and send it out into the public to be shared and admired.

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