Tuesday, October 9, 2012


An evening's thought is like a day of clear weather.

The imagination wishes to be indulged.

Politics is the struggle for Existence.

The individual partakes of the whole. Except in extraordinary cases he never adds to it.

It is belief and not god that counts.

Things seen are things as seen. Absolute real.

Realism is a corruption of reality.

Reality is a vacuum.

Society is a sea.

    I really like the Adagia section of Steven's collected work. To me each line was a mini Stevens poem, that you can easily hold in your mind and carry with you always. Memorizing an entire poem is a daunting task to me, but these might be a better place to start. These were a few that I particularly liked, no real reason other than they made me think just a little bit more than I would have with other ordered words. I think that is what I am really starting to like about Stevens' poetry, his choice of words are very specific, he places words to conjure feelings from the reader. No word seems to be used without meaning.

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